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3 Tips on how to Overcome Fear


“Are you a BIG fan of self-development?”

“Have you found that you have written down the same goals, year after year?

“Are you maybe in a good place or even great place in your life, but deep down you know that there’s something missing?”

I used to answer yes to all three of those questions and though I have achieved a minimum of level of success personally and professionally, I always found that I had placed certain limitations on myself and these limitations were what I call the “self-imposing fears.”

So, what are these self-imposed fears?

Well, we have to fear failure fear success, fear change, the unknown or just fear being made fun of. Ultimately, these are fears that we create our own minds and we sell ourselves on not making the decisions and choices that we ultimately want to make.

Once I was able to systematically overcome these self-imposing fears, I was able to achieve better results, and ultimately change my life. I have had the privilege now to work with hundreds of successful proven entrepreneurs all across North America. I’ve also spent the last 12 months in Asia meeting with leaders on that side of the world.

I believe that you are able to hide use these three tips in your day-to-day life,
you’re going to see a dramatic difference and how you are able to overcome your
own self-imposing fear and ultimately make better choices for it.

It does require you to be a bit honest with yourself, but if you’re ready to
throw your ego aside… Let’s jump right into it!

The first step is “Acceptance”

People subconsciously know the situations that create this kind of gripping,
self-imposing year fears in their lives and obviously, it creates these emotions that are
pretty negative. You have the pit in your stomach emotion and you’re almost frozen with indecision. These scenarios can really range from asking for a promotion at work on, chasing what you believed to be your potential dream or even a simple as
asking someone out.

Next time you are faced with these self-imposing fears, it’s important not only to acknowledge it, but to be able to accept the fact that your operating in fear. By naming these emotions it makes everything less scary and the statement itself empowers your brain because it makes it known.

“I’m scared to do XYZ because I fear of rejection, of pain or
just people judging me” Now that would be a good example.

The second is to “learn how to embrace it”

Fear comes from a very negative connotation and we know it creates these negative unwanted feelings, but if we’re able to shift our focus from a negative
to more of a positive one, we realize that it is in the scenarios that we are facing these self- imposing fears that we end up growing the most.

What I mean by that is, whenever you’re actually feeling these fears, it means that you’re doing something different. You have made different decisions, you made different choices, and your body in your mind can’t keep up. Naturally, it feels not at ease, and naturally you feel like there’s a paralysis of fear.

In reality we need to start embracing these moments that we experience fear in because it means that we are constantly making decisions to expand ourselves and we’re constantly moving ourselves out of our comfort zone.

Everyone knows that life stars on the edge if your comfort zone and so we need to create more of an atmosphere in society where we celebrate being in fear and it’s actually a great thing.

Lastly, you want to take massive action!

Going back some the earlier questions up this video I found myself writing down the same goals year after year after year and the reason I wasn’t able to achieve a significant result in any these departments is because I didn’t have the courage
to take massive action.

The funny thing is, the more time you hesitate you allow your brain to fabricate these made up stories that kind of freeze you in inaction. So go out there, and take action jump into it that way you have bypass this brain trick and that’s really the three-step process in terms of being able to overcome any self-imposing fear.

It starts with acceptance up these fears, learning how to embrace them, and taking massive action.

There’s a great quote by Dan Sullivan –
“the problem is never really the problem, the problem is that people don’t even know how to think about the problem”
I hope that this framework gives you a different way of thinking about your own self imposing fears. Go out there and achieve some results!

Please leave me some comments tell me if you get any results from this
Ask me any questions too!