Tag Archives: action

First stop : Fear Central

Most people do not start or do anything significant with their lives for a variety of reasons.  Perhaps it is how they grew up in their surrounding environment. Perhaps it is an inability to access education or information.  Perhaps it is just complacency or lack of purpose.

Well, for my 21st century peers that had the privilege of being born in the western half of the world; with all the access and opportunities surrounding them, it boils down to only a few variables.  In my humble opinion, it is strictly base on the fact that people are fearful.  Fearful of rejection from their peers, from loved ones, even fear of rejection from pure strangers.  Fear of not being perfect,  fear of being judged, and not being within what society dictates as “cool” or “trendy.”

I have been contemplating starting a blog for the greater part of a year now, never knowing when, and even if I was telling myself the truth.  “Will you really be a blogger?” Just another voice in the ocean of opinions that exist through this luxury/addiction called the  “internet.”  This blog might be that exact thing.  Just another blog post that you are reading at work or in your room, but then I realize that I shared in all the fears listed above.  Something had to be done…

I wanted to start, but then came all the thoughts on how I perceive my own blog to be. It needs to be long enough to have substance/content, but short enough because I know everyone has media a.d.d.  these days.  It needs to be right level of humor, taken seriously,  but at the same time not as a joke.  Do I write about my life?  Do I write about my unproven ideas and experiences in the current world?  Am I good enough?  Who really cares? As you can see, the process can get draining and eventually, one can easily come to the conclusion that it is just too hard.  It is NOT for me, I am not even a writer!  It becomes almost a joke that you took yourself and the idea seriously  for any period of time.

“Love is what we were born with. Fear is what we learned here” – Marianne Williamson

The act of starting is more for yourself than anyone else.  Think of it as a social experiment where you just want to see if you can humanly do it. Doing it well comes with time and practice.

Whatever scares you in life, you should run towards it.  Whether it be starting a relationship, starting a business, or even venting to the internet about your inner thoughts, just start.  You can deal with consequences after you prove to yourself that your fear does not exist and it is an illusion that your mind happily created.  This is by no means belittling your feelings behind these fears. Rather, it is you accepting the fear and taking action upon it.

Be real with yourself.  Does it really matter what everyone else thinks?  I recommend that you pick a fear today and have fun with it.  Go on you beautiful butterfly, spread your wings and leave your mark on this world!